Make FIFA more efficient

Increase the efficiency and efficacy of the organisation
FIFA’s core business is becoming increasingly service-oriented, with structural opportunities being analysed for more efficient processes to support the needs of its members. With the digitisation of FIFA gathering pace in 2020, tasks were streamlined. In parallel, by attracting and further developing a diverse and highly-qualified workforce, FIFA is able to enhance output and deliver core projects in line with stakeholder expectations.
Consult all our stakeholders on a regular basis
FIFA continued to hold discussions with its stakeholders despite the onset of COVID-19, which only served to expand the platforms fostering productive dialogue for the overall improvement of football. Close to 100 meetings were organised, 92% of which were held as
online events, including those of the FIFA Council, the Bureau of the FIFA Council, standing committees and independent committees.
In September 2020, the FIFA Congress was conducted as a virtual event for the first time and statutory changes will enable future congresses to be held remotely. FIFA also advanced its close collaboration with a range of interested parties across the whole football community during the pandemic.
Streamline and digitise internal processes
FIFA continued to embrace advanced technological solutions in 2020, boosting the efficiency of the organisation with the objective of providing an increased service level for the football community.
The procure-to-pay process to improve the efficiency of approvals, data management and ensure segregation of duties was rolled out, while extensive IT changes were made, with infrastructure transferred to the cloud and working-from-home conditions technically
Robust online management reporting tools were successfully launched. Both a new compliance portal, through which all FIFA employees must declare any conflicts of interest, and a new expenses system that provides more automation and governance, are now in place across the organisation.
A new treasury management system was implemented to further improve the management of FIFA’s daily financial flows, its financial assets and currency exposure.
In relation to strong governance and best practices, four areas were audited in 2020 to drive continuous improvement and increased efficiency. FIFA’s risk management function was also developed, in line with ISO 31000:2018.
FIFA’s internal regulations moved online and the organisation modernised its working framework to introduce greater flexibility to its daily processes, including introducing new technologies and allowing key meetings, including the Congress, Council meetings and other important virtual events, to be conducted remotely by videoconference and correspondence. The Travel Regulations for FIFA Delegates were also enhanced in 2020.
Tools to extend digital collaboration across the organisation were launched to support effective and efficient work practices, such as the implementation of new document approval solutions which enable contracts to be signed remotely and electronically.
Set up fit-for-purpose organisational structures
FIFA continued to optimise its internal and external structures to accommodate the evolving needs of both the organisation and its stakeholders.
The FIFA administration has liquidated five subsidiaries since 2016, including the Hotel Ascot in Zurich, while maintaining three others (FIFA Development Zurich AG, FIFA Ticketing AG and FIFA Museum AG) and adding a fourth (FIFA Clearing House Stichting), which was established in preparation for an operational launch in 2021.
These structural changes, and the consolidation of tasks for the delivery of tournaments and events through the replacement of local organising committees with local entities, enable FIFA to streamline tournament-related services.
Attract the best talent and develop human resources
The FIFA Team Handbook was streamlined and modernised with a set of easy-to-follow rules that were shaped according to FIFA’s business needs. These needs aim to empower and mobilise a dynamic workforce.
The rules themselves have evolved to include more opportunities to work from home (mandatory during the COVID-19 pandemic) and extended maternity leave (from 14 to 16 weeks). For an increasingly diverse organisation, the handbook also quickly facilitated adaptations to the “new normal” by reducing office space and modifying the travel policy, reducing FIFA’s carbon footprint and making other financial savings in the process.
FIFA maintains various initiatives to develop its talent pool via user-friendly internal applications, continuous professional, leadership and development training supported by online learning, and an enhanced Employee Volunteer Programme in collaboration with the FIFA Foundation.
In addition, top management were supported with focused discussions that provided guidance in relation to their staff, other HR-related topics (e.g. diversity) and organisational structures, while recruitment via also included job vacancies in FIFA member associations to support their recruitment processes.