4 | Revenue from hospitality rights and ticket sales

in TUSD 2022 2021
Revenue from hospitality rights – FIFA World Cup™ 242,900 0
Revenue from ticket sales – FIFA World Cup™ 685,881 0
Revenue from ticket sales – other FIFA events 235 12,172
Total revenue from hospitality rights and ticket sales 929,016 12,172

Revenues from hospitality rights in relation to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ amounted to USD 242.9 million.

Revenue from ticket sales – FIFA World Cup relates to ticket sales in connection with revenue generated by the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 of USD 685.9 million.

Revenue from ticket sales – other FIFA events for 2021 consisted of ticket sales for the FIFA Arab Cup 2021™.

Ticket sales are recognised in the year the event takes place.