2022 financial statements

Consolidated statement of comprehensive Income

5 min. reading time
in TUSD Note 2022 2021
Revenue from television broadcasting rights 1 ] 2,958,352 123,119
Revenue from marketing rights 2 ] 1,424,524 131,387
Revenue from licensing rights 3 ] 270,397 180,202
Revenue from hospitality rights and ticket sales 4 ] 929,016 12,172
Other revenue 5 ] 62,072 85,621
Other income 6 ] 124,852 233,987
Total revenue and other income 5,769,213 766,488
Competitions & Events 7 ] -2,005,358 -234,380
Development & Education 8 ] -1,038,113 -554,763
Football Governance 9 ] -40,278 -43,877
Total expenses from football activities -3,083,749 -833,020
FIFA Governance & Administration 10 ] -187,846 -191,967
Marketing & TV Broadcasting 11 ] -132,396 -52,384
Total expenses from administrative activities -320,242 -244,351
COVID-19 Relief Plan – grants (stage 3) 12 ] -6,500 -44,500
Total other expenses -6,500 -44,500
Result before taxes and financial result 2,358,722 -355,383
Taxes and duties 14 ] -22,716 -1,591
Financial income and costs, net 13 ] 31,877 44,762
Net result for the year 2,367,883 -312,212
Other comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit obligations 31 ] 55,537 43,270
Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss
Foreign currency translation differences -760 -228
Net gain / (loss) on cash flow hedges 30 ] -13,884 35,894
Net gain / (loss) on debt instruments at FVOCI -75,587 -9,482
Total other comprehensive income -34,694 69,454
Total comprehensive income for the year 2,333,189 -242,758
Net result for the year 2,367,883 -312,212
Allocation to restricted reserves -2,367,883 312,212
Result for the year after allocation 0 0