1 | Revenue from television broadcasting rights

in TUSD 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
Europe 27,963 0 2,179 1,030,880 1,061,022
Asia and North Africa 102,735 0 46,888 875,120 1,024,743
South and Central America 75,478 0 24,294 351,526 451,298
North America and the Caribbean 92,090 0 38,986 518,965 650,041
Rest of the world 3,263 0 1,810 103,111 108,184
Total revenue from television broadcasting rights by region 301,529 0 114,157 2,879,602 3,295,288
Other broadcasting revenue 12,807 1,626 2,246 75,416 92,095
Other FIFA event revenue 28,266 98 6,716 3,334 38,414
Total revenue from television broadcasting rights 342,602 1,724 123,119 2,958,352 3,425,797